Sunday, August 26, 2007


Today was a typical Sunday for the Adams Clan. Doug left for work around 7am. He likes to get there early, make sure everything is set up for church, and have some quiet time before service begins at 8am. Early church was done around 9:15am, just in time for the 9:15 service -- a new addition for the summer and it looks like the fall too. The kids and I arrived at church to do the 9:15 nursery. This summer it has been mostly my kids with a few others peppered in every once in a while. This was our busiest one in a while. The top three Adams' go in another room and watch a Focus on the Family video so that the nursery room isn't so crowded. Then we went to church at 10:30 -- everyone but Sarah. Daniel did very well, better than the twins today actually. After service was done about noon we waited for Doug and then went to Wendy's for lunch. (Monday is shopping day) Once lunch was done everyone took a nap. Yes, Everyone!! Once every one was awake we just kinda hung out and relaxed. Doug cut the grass, the kids did their Sunday chores and I made dinner. After dinner Doug took the kids to the church parking lot to ride their bikes. They had a blast. Everyone was tired at bedtime. Hip Hip Horray!!!

Today's Funny: The kids were playing dress up this afternoon. They came down a couple of times wanting to know the "real" name of some of their superheros. "Dad, what is Superman's real name?" said Jacob. "Clark Kent" replied Doug. Jacob went up the stairs repeating the name, he got it wrong a few times along the way. Then they came down and asked what Wonder Woman's name was. We had to think on that one for a while. We could only come up with her first name, Diana. At some point during the play they came down and attacked Doug. He played along and chased them back up the stairs saying he was a supermonster. They ran screaming up the stairs until they got to the top where Grace very matter of factly said, "Um guys, we are superheros." To which they replied, "Oh yeah" and promptly ran back down the stairs after Doug.

Another funny: Sarah likes to sing. She sings along with the CD's in the player all the time. Today however, she was making up words to songs she knows. One was " open please, open please, hi ho the dairy oh open please." She was singing about opening her ranch dip at lunch. Later in the day she was singing " stinky butt, stinky butt, hi ho the dairy oh stinky butt" while I changed her diaper. I am not sure she is supposed to be able to put new words to tunes she knows yet. At bed time she started singing "Row Row Row your boat" as she "rolled, rolled,
rolled" on the floor. Gotta love two year olds!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good day. Try taking a video of Sarah singing and see if you can put it on your blog. I think you can.