Friday, August 31, 2007

Holy Bats, Batman!! Part 2

Well the test came back on Monday and it was inconclusive. So after a call to the pediatrician who in turn called Center for Infectious Disease control in Ann Arbor we were told to get the shots. "Shoot em all and let God sort it out." We were scheduled to get them on Wednesday, but the insurance wasn't quite in place. Then we were going to go in after 5pm on Thursday. Unfortunately there was some miss communication and we didn't get in to get the shots until this morning. We arrived at the hospital ER, the only place that will administer the shots in our area, at 9:50am. We were done at 12:30pm. It takes a while to give a family of 7 shots for rabies. What do you want to know about rabies, the vaccine or the Human immune globulin. I won't go into the specifics here, just in case you are queasy, but needless to say by the end of the month we will finish our vaccination series and be set.

So now we are just looking for the side effects, treating the kids to fast food and root beer floats and other goodies. We are all a bit sore, but I think it was the RIG that caused that so we shouldn't be this sore after the next four rounds. We will keep you all posted, but just know that we are fine. We are looking forward to school beginning on Tuesday and just getting back to a normal routine. School will be good for the kids and for me. I will have just Daniel and Sarah at home and even Daniel will go to preschool three days in the afternoon. Just in time for Sarah's nap and quiet time for me.

If you are lost go to the archives for Holy Bats Batman!! and read the back story. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you should let everybody know how many shots your family of seven received in the first round of shots.