Friday, August 24, 2007

Holy Bats, Batman!!

I hate bats. Wanna know why?? Here is my story. About a week ago we started to smell something funny up by the computer. We looked for the source but could not find it. Ok, we thought, it is probably in the wall. They had plugged some holes and we figured they had locked something in. No problem, nothing we can do, live with it till it goes away. Yesterday, Doug bought a new computer desk. We cleared off the old one and moved it into the boys room. We found the smell. It was a dead bat in the cords of the computer. YUCK!!! We picked it up, with tongs, and put it in a bag. Called the Health Department, did you know there is a rabies alert in Hillsdale. Yep! So we will hopefully have the results of the test back next week. We want a negative. Positive means shots, lots of them. Inconclusive means we have to make a decision about shots. Were we exposed? Who do we vaccinate? Not the answer I want. Even a positive would be better. I would hate to not vaccinate and have problems or vaccinate and not have to. Any advice, good or bad, on this situation would be helpful. What would you do??

There is humor in this situation. I had called the pediatrician yesterday to see what he would want to do if we needed the shots. He was encouraging and said unless it comes back positive we shouldn't vaccinate everyone. He said to wait for the results until we made any decisions. Good sound advice. This morning I had to take Sarah for a well check with the afore mentioned doctor. He passed me in the hall on the way to another patient and sang the Batman theme as he went by!!! Funny guy! I love him to pieces!

So much for uneventful days!!!


Anonymous said...

sit the whole family down and watch old yeller

Anonymous said...

This happened to a girl I work with. She lives in Yale. Unfortunately the tests came back positive and she is doing her last round of vaccines right now. Not fun from what I hear. We'll pray for negative results for you!