Wednesday, August 15, 2007


The kids woke up later than usual this morning --7:30am. They were all up in Grace's new room giving her a hard time. As I shooed the boys out she complained about them waking her up with a song.

"M-I-C-K-E-Y Grace, Grace, Grace!" It was Daniel's version of a VBS song. He only has a few words he can spell. He took two songs that have spelling in them and mixed them up. It was quite funny. Can you guess what songs he was putting together?? 10 bucks if you can. :-) I will post the answers tomorrow. Have Fun!!

P.S. I am constantly making changes to the sidebar. I have added a few new elements so scroll down and check them out. Please.

Answer to trivia question: The M-I-C-K-E-Y comes from the Mickey Mouse show. The "Grace, Grace, Grace" comes from a song they learned at VBS this summer. We did Quest for Truth and the song says "G-R-A-C-E grace grace grace. I am saved by grace through Jesus." No one won the 10 bucks. Better luck next time!!


Sarah said...

We're honored to be a part of your sidebar! :-)

Anonymous said...

Since your birthday coincides with the maturing of the corn crop here in Michigan, we always had corn on the cob at your family birthday parities so you learned to like it at a young age.

Anonymous said...

Is it just Graces room or is she sharing with Sarah?