Friday, August 31, 2007

Holy Bats, Batman!! Part 2

Well the test came back on Monday and it was inconclusive. So after a call to the pediatrician who in turn called Center for Infectious Disease control in Ann Arbor we were told to get the shots. "Shoot em all and let God sort it out." We were scheduled to get them on Wednesday, but the insurance wasn't quite in place. Then we were going to go in after 5pm on Thursday. Unfortunately there was some miss communication and we didn't get in to get the shots until this morning. We arrived at the hospital ER, the only place that will administer the shots in our area, at 9:50am. We were done at 12:30pm. It takes a while to give a family of 7 shots for rabies. What do you want to know about rabies, the vaccine or the Human immune globulin. I won't go into the specifics here, just in case you are queasy, but needless to say by the end of the month we will finish our vaccination series and be set.

So now we are just looking for the side effects, treating the kids to fast food and root beer floats and other goodies. We are all a bit sore, but I think it was the RIG that caused that so we shouldn't be this sore after the next four rounds. We will keep you all posted, but just know that we are fine. We are looking forward to school beginning on Tuesday and just getting back to a normal routine. School will be good for the kids and for me. I will have just Daniel and Sarah at home and even Daniel will go to preschool three days in the afternoon. Just in time for Sarah's nap and quiet time for me.

If you are lost go to the archives for Holy Bats Batman!! and read the back story. :-)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A New School Year

Next Tuesday the kids start school. I can hardly believe the summer is almost over. I am ready for them to go back and be at school, but I will miss having time to be lazy and just hang out. Grace is starting 3rd grade, Nathan and Jacob will be in 2nd grade. They all attend a charter school named Will Carleton Academy. Daniel will also be going to preschool three days a week. He is attending Countryside Montessori Preschool. His teacher Mrs. Smith leases three rooms at our church and has about 30 children over the course of the week. She has several different programs so Daniel is going in the afternoon on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Hey it is better than nothing. It will be at Sarah's nap time so I can have some quiet time and maybe get some work done.

With the coming of school so do all the Dr appointments. We all have Dr and Dentist appointments made already and soon we will have vision and hearing appointments scheduled. The little ones have had their well checks and the big kids are in September. At least this is a good time to get it all done. School is a friendly reminder to get my butt in gear and schedule all those appointments. Happy Joy!!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Is Anyone Thinking Christmas Yet?

Christmas in August? Well, yes, actually. It is getting harder and harder to find good presents close to Christmas. The last few years I have felt like I was just buying anything so that we had presents to give away. This year I have decided to be done before December. I am doing pretty well so far. I have several presents already and several picked out but not purchased. So on that note I am accepting lists. What do you want for Christmas? Let me know and in a few weeks I will post lists for us, just in case anyone else out there wants to start early.

We love and miss you all. Hope to see you soon.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Today was a typical Sunday for the Adams Clan. Doug left for work around 7am. He likes to get there early, make sure everything is set up for church, and have some quiet time before service begins at 8am. Early church was done around 9:15am, just in time for the 9:15 service -- a new addition for the summer and it looks like the fall too. The kids and I arrived at church to do the 9:15 nursery. This summer it has been mostly my kids with a few others peppered in every once in a while. This was our busiest one in a while. The top three Adams' go in another room and watch a Focus on the Family video so that the nursery room isn't so crowded. Then we went to church at 10:30 -- everyone but Sarah. Daniel did very well, better than the twins today actually. After service was done about noon we waited for Doug and then went to Wendy's for lunch. (Monday is shopping day) Once lunch was done everyone took a nap. Yes, Everyone!! Once every one was awake we just kinda hung out and relaxed. Doug cut the grass, the kids did their Sunday chores and I made dinner. After dinner Doug took the kids to the church parking lot to ride their bikes. They had a blast. Everyone was tired at bedtime. Hip Hip Horray!!!

Today's Funny: The kids were playing dress up this afternoon. They came down a couple of times wanting to know the "real" name of some of their superheros. "Dad, what is Superman's real name?" said Jacob. "Clark Kent" replied Doug. Jacob went up the stairs repeating the name, he got it wrong a few times along the way. Then they came down and asked what Wonder Woman's name was. We had to think on that one for a while. We could only come up with her first name, Diana. At some point during the play they came down and attacked Doug. He played along and chased them back up the stairs saying he was a supermonster. They ran screaming up the stairs until they got to the top where Grace very matter of factly said, "Um guys, we are superheros." To which they replied, "Oh yeah" and promptly ran back down the stairs after Doug.

Another funny: Sarah likes to sing. She sings along with the CD's in the player all the time. Today however, she was making up words to songs she knows. One was " open please, open please, hi ho the dairy oh open please." She was singing about opening her ranch dip at lunch. Later in the day she was singing " stinky butt, stinky butt, hi ho the dairy oh stinky butt" while I changed her diaper. I am not sure she is supposed to be able to put new words to tunes she knows yet. At bed time she started singing "Row Row Row your boat" as she "rolled, rolled,
rolled" on the floor. Gotta love two year olds!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The New Room Switch

Two weeks ago we made a big switch - a - roo in the house. Doug and I moved into the spare bedroom downstairs. Grace moved into our old room. Sarah will move there too, but for now she is in the new craft room. (Their old room.) When she moves to a toddler/big girl bed we will put her in with Grace. Here are a few pics of the move. It was a needed move and Grace is loving her space. There are a few finishing touches to go but otherwise we are done.

The clothes corner. The Reading Nook. Sleeping Arrangements. (Sarah left, Grace right)

Sarah asleep in the craft room. The closets in the craft room. Games, crafts and girls clothes are stored here. Along with the boys stuff in the dress/cabinet that you can't see. Oh and there is filing in the corner, too. Maybe it should be called the Multi-purpose room.

There are no pics of our room yet because it has the most work to go. Lots of things are not put away in there yet. I will post those when we are done.

Some of you may be wondering where you will sleep when you come to visit. Well we do have the pull out couch for couples and there is a twin bed in Gracie's room. Oh and there is the futon mattress on the floor in the boy's room, or an air mattress in the blue play room. Take your pick. Hope to have visitors soon!!!

New Aquisitions

Doug went shopping. Doug brought back a few things we "needed". I am not arguing. What do you think??

My coffee pot was broken. I could only brew half a pot at a time because I was missing a valve on the filter holder thing.
The desk is new. Not the computer. The old one was too bulky. This one helped us find the bat. Good thing!!
My old phone had only one handset, this has three. My old phone you couldn't read the caller id so I had no idea who was calling or what number I was dialing. This one is crystal clear. Now I have three handsets to misplace, but better odds that at least one will be where it is supposed to be.
Wonder what Doug will bring back the next time he goes shopping?

The Domestication of Robyn

Ok so it has taken 10 years but I think I am finally getting the hang of this running the house thing. Doug has helped-- alot. Somehow he knew more about it than I did. Nothing is perfect yet, but it is getting there. Here is an example:

We planted a garden. In years past we either ate what we grew before it went bad or it went bad. In years past I had tried to freeze things like green beans, but they ended up sitting in my freezer for two years cause they were all frozen to each other and I couldn't defrost only some. So freezing seemed to be a fruitless idea. Well, I have recently been taught a few freezing tricks from a good friend at church. Her garden in much larger than mine and she freezes, cans and preserves most of what she grows. Below is a picture of one of her freezing methods.

Yes, those ice cubes are green. They are actually full of chopped green peppers. I chopped up 13 yesterday. I saved a few to eat raw as a snack, but the rest are here, in my freezer. Now when I need green pepper for a recipe I just take out a few cubes and I am good to go. I actually went and bought ice cube trays for this project, we have an automatic ice maker in our freezer -- no trays needed.

Wonder what domesticated Robyn will do next?? Stay tuned!! Oh and I am currently accepting ideas and tips on anything household related.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Holy Bats, Batman!!

I hate bats. Wanna know why?? Here is my story. About a week ago we started to smell something funny up by the computer. We looked for the source but could not find it. Ok, we thought, it is probably in the wall. They had plugged some holes and we figured they had locked something in. No problem, nothing we can do, live with it till it goes away. Yesterday, Doug bought a new computer desk. We cleared off the old one and moved it into the boys room. We found the smell. It was a dead bat in the cords of the computer. YUCK!!! We picked it up, with tongs, and put it in a bag. Called the Health Department, did you know there is a rabies alert in Hillsdale. Yep! So we will hopefully have the results of the test back next week. We want a negative. Positive means shots, lots of them. Inconclusive means we have to make a decision about shots. Were we exposed? Who do we vaccinate? Not the answer I want. Even a positive would be better. I would hate to not vaccinate and have problems or vaccinate and not have to. Any advice, good or bad, on this situation would be helpful. What would you do??

There is humor in this situation. I had called the pediatrician yesterday to see what he would want to do if we needed the shots. He was encouraging and said unless it comes back positive we shouldn't vaccinate everyone. He said to wait for the results until we made any decisions. Good sound advice. This morning I had to take Sarah for a well check with the afore mentioned doctor. He passed me in the hall on the way to another patient and sang the Batman theme as he went by!!! Funny guy! I love him to pieces!

So much for uneventful days!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Normal, Ordinary Day

I wasn't even sure if I should write today. It was quite uneventful. The kids didn't do anything cute. The day was kinda blah. We took the suburban in to have the battery looked at. Turns out something wasn't going to sleep when we turned the car off and it drained the battery. No new parts were needed they just needed to rewire it. Thank goodness. The boys watched the Tiger game until the 5th inning. Good thing they only got that far. I hear it is 8 to 3 now. Like I said it was an uneventful day. Doug is at a HOPE meeting that could go late. I am sitting on the computer, keeping up with friends and just enjoying some rare quiet time. Blessings to you all!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

One Smart Cookie

Sarah loves chocolate milk. It all started with those Pediacare drinks made for kids. The ones with all the extra vitamins and stuff. I was giving her one every few days to supplement her diet of hot dogs and cottage cheese. Well those are expensive and she is eating better so she doesn't get as many. We do however have a bottle of chocolate syrup in the fridge which I will occasionally give her with regular milk. Given a choice Sarah will ask for chocolate milk every time. No kool aid, no juice, just chocolate milk. I, of course, don't want her to have it all the time so I thought I would fake her out. I would pour the milk into the cup and then pretend to put the syrup into the cup. She bought that maybe twice. I tried it today and she she said " No!Open!" meaning the syrup bottle. It is a flip lid and she noticed that I didn't really open it. I got caught.

Like I said... One smart Cookie!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Houston, The Eagle has Landed

This summer Doug and I had the opportunity to go to Houston, Texas. The purpose of the trip was for the synodical convention of the LCMS of which Doug was a delegate. It was also our 10th anniversary. So I went along and we took four extra days after the convention as our vacation. A time away from the children, the first in nearly 8 years that lasted more than one or two nights. We were gone 10 days in all.

While in Houston, I could not resist being so close to Johnson Space Center. For a long time as a child I had dreams of becoming an astronaut. Even after the Challenger disaster in 1986. I think that fueled my desire even more. Well, I never did become an astronaut, but I did get to see where they work. It was AWESOME. Space Center, Houston is the name of the official visiors center. (See link in sidebar) There are models of several of the early space pods used on the Gemini and Apollo missions. They have audio devices that you can rent that allow you to listen to former astronauts explain about what you are seeing and add stories of their own.

The best part of the day however, was the tour aboard a tram. It traveled all over the Center. We saw the astronaut training center, mission control and a building that housed an entire rocket used in the early missions. The above three pictures are at the training facility. The first is the ISS (international space station)the way it will look when it is completed. The second is an actual astronaut in training. The third is the mock up of the shuttle bay. All pieces of the shuttle are in this building and are the real size so that the astronauts can train properly for their missions.
The picture below is of Mission Control. This is the actual room where missions like Apollo 13 and many others were managed. We sat in seats that once sat wives, children, presidents and many other special people. There is now a second room that houses Mission Control with much more updated equipment.

These two pictures below are of the facility that holds the Saturn V rocket. It is a 30 story rocket. As you can see by my life size self standing next to it. The rockets that are upright are outside of this facility. The day we visited NASA, July 20, was the 38th anniversary of the first moon walk. They had just finished a press conference. They had a ribbon cutting unveiling the newly restored Saturn V and they announced plans to return to the moon. It was the grand opening of the facility. We were the first tour group to see this facility. For the complete story(and better pictures) see the NASA links on the sideboad.

This picture is of the crew of Apollo 13. Can you name them? They were of course made famous for those of us not around during the original mission by the movie starring Tom Hanks.

This final picture is a fun one that I took for the kids. It is made entirely out of Legos. It was in the Food Court area of the museum. All in all the day was great! I would do it again anytime.

I found out a lot about the space program that I didn't know before. Maybe some day when all the kids are old enough we will go back. Who knows what our space program will have done by then.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty.

Sarah thinks she is a cat.

She meows, purrs and on all fours will come up to you and rub her head on your leg or arm or whatever body part she is near while meowing or purring. It is quite cute. Wonder where she learned it from?

Guess that is the only cat Tiger can handle.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Dark is Rising

This is the title of a new movie that will be out soon. I first saw the preview when I went to see Harry Potter 5. The title sounded very familiar. I caught at the end of the preview that it was based on a book. I knew what book. I had read it years ago in college. I took a Children's Lit class and this was one of the books that we had to read. It is actually a series of books by author Susan Cooper. I really enjoyed the books when I read them the first time. So much so that I saved them to read to my children someday. I am glad that I did. They are about King Arthur and Merlin. They take place in present day England, Cornwall actually. The movie looks like it will be based on the second book in the series. "Over Sea, Under Stone" is the first book and acts as a prequel of sorts. I have only just begun book two and since It has been quite a while since I read them originally I am not sure how the rest of the story plays out. I do know though that when the movie comes out I am going to see it. It will be interesting to see how they put this story on the big screen. I enjoy them most when they stick to the original story as much as possible. Harry Potter did a good job with this, The Bourne Series did not. The Potter Series brought to life what we read in the book. It only left out side plots it didn't alter the story dramatically. The Bourne Series was altered, big time. I had a hard time watching the movies because I really enjoyed the books and was upset at how different the movie was. Anyway, If you get a chance, read the Dark is Rising series by Susan Cooper. I guarantee the books will be better than the movie. They almost always are.

Friday, August 17, 2007

What Time Is It? Summertime!!

Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, Ryan and the rest of the Wildcats returned tonight in the long awaited sequel "High School Musical 2". Grace had her friend Ann over for a sleepover. This is Grace's first, but I think Ann is an old pro at it. We had Taco's for dinner, ice cream for dessert and popcorn for the movie. The girls watched in Grace's room on the TV left behind by Doug and I (which isn't staying past tomorrow, by the way). The boys and I watched downstairs. It was a good movie, depending on who you ask. The twins liked all the songs the boys sang and the baseball scenes. Daniel liked the same ones plus the ones of the stars jumping into the water. Me, I am a hopeless romantic and liked the whole thing, especially the duets!! Now Doug on the other hand only watched cause he had to and spent most of the movie painting his Warhammer guys and only looking up occasionally. I think the soundtrack and DVD will be on a certain 33, I mean 8 year old's Christmas list. So all in all I would have to say today was a good day. Tomorrow is pancakes, eggs and bacon for breakfast. Best of all, Doug is cooking!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Tigers Go! Tigers Go!

This is Sarah's cheer anytime she sees anything having to do with baseball, Tigers or not. The boys are avid sports fans. They love to cheer for the local team, which ever season is currently playing. Right now it is Baseball. We watch a Tigers game nearly every night. Well at least the first 5 innings anyway. Soon we will be watching hockey and then maybe Basketball. They haven't really gotten into Football yet. They liked the local High School team because several of our youth group boys played for the District winning team. Professional football is another story. But I digress. The boys were out side this afternoon playing ball. They have an aluminium bat and the works as far as equipment goes thanks to grandparents and their dad. (Bats, balls, mitts-2 each, batting gloves, batting helmet, catchers mitt-for dad, and who knows what else. The only thing they are missing is an automatic pitcher and some bases.) I know, even from in the house, when they hit a good one cause the bat makes a metallic ringing sound. After the first one they run in to tell me how far they hit it and that they got a home run. (Ran from tree to tree before his brother, pitcher and only outfielder, could get the ball and tag him.) After that I just listen for the "ping". They can play for hours or just minutes before a fight breaks out. Usually it is because one or the other isn't hitting the ball because the other one isn't throwing the ball correctly. Pitcher and batter change daily in this scenario. A good day is when pitcher is throwing well enough for the batter to hit it, even golf ball style. Daniel occasionally is allowed to play and does fairly well. A few of those "ping"s are his too. His favorite thing to do is run the "bases". Which is fine by me cause then he is actually tired at bedtime. These pictures are a few I took today. Sarah wanted in on the act too. Tigers Go! Tigers Go! Tigers Go!

Did they win tonight? I only saw the first 5 innings.

Kids Say...

So my extremely smart two year old was running around the house this morning when Doug came out of the bathroom. He had on a t-shirt and underwear. Sarah saw him and pointing at his underwear said, "Diaper? Daddy's Diaper?" Well it looks like hers...

Look for more Kids Say in the sidebar. They constantly say cute things so instead of blogging them every time I thought I would just make a list in the sidebar. Enjoy a laugh on us!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Boys Will Be Boys ---Part 2

Today the kids and I were doing our Zone work. ( I divide the house into 5 zones and we work in one zone a day.) We were folding white clothes in my new room. They boys were being quite helpful, but weren't sure where to put everything. I was having them put folded items on my bed and then I would put them away, but a few things they were able to put away themselves. As we got into the pile Jacob found one of my bras, held it up gingerly between his thumb and first finger, and promptly asked, " Where do I put the boob holder??" ---- Boys!!!! I have no idea where he learned this phrase. I don't think I want to know either. Maybe their Dad needs to have a "talk" with the boys. ;-)


The kids woke up later than usual this morning --7:30am. They were all up in Grace's new room giving her a hard time. As I shooed the boys out she complained about them waking her up with a song.

"M-I-C-K-E-Y Grace, Grace, Grace!" It was Daniel's version of a VBS song. He only has a few words he can spell. He took two songs that have spelling in them and mixed them up. It was quite funny. Can you guess what songs he was putting together?? 10 bucks if you can. :-) I will post the answers tomorrow. Have Fun!!

P.S. I am constantly making changes to the sidebar. I have added a few new elements so scroll down and check them out. Please.

Answer to trivia question: The M-I-C-K-E-Y comes from the Mickey Mouse show. The "Grace, Grace, Grace" comes from a song they learned at VBS this summer. We did Quest for Truth and the song says "G-R-A-C-E grace grace grace. I am saved by grace through Jesus." No one won the 10 bucks. Better luck next time!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Today my parents celebrate their 37th Wedding Anniversary. WOW!! Congrats to you! I hope that you had a good one. Although you were driving back from North Carolina. Hopefully after 37 years though you didn't fight, get lost or anything else that us youngins end up doing on long trips. And hey look at it this way. You didn't have kids in the back asking "Are we there yet?" (read with a really high pitched whine :-) ) Love you!!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

A Summer Favorite

I love corn on the cob. I think for a while it was the only vegetable I would eat. As a parent I know it isn't much of a vegetable, more starch than healthy stuff, but it isn't candy either.

We found a bag of corn and a bag of other yummy veggies by our gate this morning. I think I saw the member who left them, but they never even rang the bell. (Of course that could have something to do with the fact that our dog Tiger was out there barking his fool head off at the friendly man.) I wasn't even dressed yet and Doug wasn't quick enough to get out there before he left. Needless to say, it won't be the last anonymous bag of garden goodies left on our door step.

As you can see from the pictures, my children also love corn on the cob. This was Sarah's first try and she really got into it. She kept pointing to it and asking for it, but the in tuned mom that I am kept saying that she wouldn't like it and wouldn't be able to eat it. I was apparently very wrong. She not only liked it, she was quite capable of eating it properly. Daniel was demonstrating his no hands approach to corn on the cob eating. Funny, but not successful. Wonder why? Thankfully this trick was performed after showing Sarah the correct way to eat corn on the cob. (Her first attempt was to try it from the end, like a hot dog or cheese stick.)

Happy Harvest!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror on the wall who's the fairest one of all? Sarah of course!

I was playing with the camera today and took some pics of Sarah in my dresser mirror. She had a blast. She was giving herself kisses and just being cute. These are just a few of the ones I took.

Not much else is new here. Church and nursery today. Then home for lunch and naps. They are a Sunday tradition at our house. We worked a little in Grace's room. We aren't ready for pictures yet. Tomorrow I go renew my drivers license -- a little late! Blessings to all and thanks to those of you who let me know you were out there, but I kinda knew you were :-)

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Almost There

The muscle arrived today. Isaac & Aaron Johnson, Jon Foust, Zander Sullivan, Nick Nestorak, Drew and Allan (don't know their last names but they come with the others all the time) showed up at 6:30pm. They were very prompt for the most part, although I think that is because we fed them. We grilled hot dogs and heated up some chili. Then added chips, salsa, cheese and well it worked. Oh we had soda too. So we fed them, talked for a while then put them to work. They made short order of the desk, hutch, box spring and head board that were all going out to the barn. The tall dresser in our room was down the stairs fairly quickly because Jon, the football player, used his shoulders to guide it down. Then came the big dresser. They simply turned it upside down so it slid on its top and carefully slid it down the stairs -again using Jon the House Foust! Then they were done. It almost seemed like a lot for nothing. I probably didn't need to feed them, but I like to have them over and they were going to play Warhammer after at church. Instead, Doug opted to help with bedtime and showers and the boys went to Jon's to play the game. Oh well, can't complain. Having Doug here at bed time does make it easier.
As you can see though we still have a lot of work to go. Lots of organizing and putting away of stuff. That shouldn't take too long. I hope to be done by Friday, since Grace is having her first friend over to spend the night. They are going to watch High School Musical 2 together. I am sure I will have a lot to write about that night!!
I hope you are all enjoying the blog. Leave a note and let me know you are "listening" Blessings to you all!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Surgery Again

Again? you say. Well, yes, Sarah has now had surgery twice. The first time was back in June when we had tubes put into her ears because she was having ear infections every three weeks. Within 6 hours of the surgery in June her right tube fell out. So we went through another infection and kept our fingers crossed while we were in Texas that she wouldn't get another one. She didn't thankfully, but we still needed to put the right tube back in. That is what we did this morning. We were at the hospital at 6:45am and she was out of surgery by 7:30am. However, since there is a family history of MH they couldn't give her an inhalational anesthetic. They gave her a shot in her bum and something to put her to sleep. It takes her three hours to get back to normal. We were finally discharged around 11am. It was an ordeal, but hopefully she will not have any more infections. She came home and slept for quite a while this afternoon.
Meanwhile, we continued working on the big room switch. It is coming along, but I can't wait for the muscle tomorrow. I think I hurt Doug as we were trying to move a cabinet up stairs by ourselves. The muscle shows up tomorrow at 6:30 for moving and BBQ. They will do just about anything for free food. I will show more pics tomorrow and I promise a view of the finished project too.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Moving Day Part 1

No, we are not actually moving out of the house or out of Hillsdale but we are moving some rooms around. The girls have a very tiny room and we thought it was time for some space. So... we moved mom and dad downstairs to the spareroom (the one by the bathroom), the girls into our old room and stuff into the girls rooms. The move is not yet complete but we are getting there. The muscle (youth group boys) will be here Saturday evening to complete the transition. I am still working on how to put the pics into my blog where I want them so for now they all go up there. Maybe later I will figure out how to put a few in then write and then put in a few more. Anyway enjoy!! Oh and Mom... I need real curtians!! Help!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Boys Will Be Boys

Back in June Doug and Dad built a sandbox. Dad usually takes on a project each time he comes over and well this was his project. They got the lumber from the pole barn, tried to use Doug's tools, and attempted to put it together. Well, the tools weren't right and it started to rain so the sandbox only got about half way done. Jump a head a few weeks and we see Doug finishing the box, well at least the wood parts. He lined it with black liner, edged it with edging from the garden and some bricks around the outside to limit the weeds. That was as far as it got. We had to go on vacation and camping trips. Finally it is August. Still we have a sandBOX but no sand. Mom and Dad come in on Aug 3 to help with party preparations. Dad notices there is still no sand in the sandbox. Lest he should go without a project for the weekend, he sees to it that we get sand for the sandbox. It's not that Doug WASN'T going to do it, its just that he hadn't had time. So while Doug worked on a few other things Dad found the sand and together they filled the truck and brought it back. 1 cubic yard of Sand. Yeah!!! It was in just in time for the party Saturday afternoon and it was a hit. In fact I found myself wondering where the sandbox had been all summer. It was doing a great job of keeping the kids busy!!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Prayers for a friend

Dearest Friends and Families: I type this blog as a prayer request. The last two years I led a Mom's bible study on Tuesday Mornings. We have had some great babysitters during that time. One such girl is named Claire. Claire graduated this past May from Hillsdale and was getting ready to begin graduate school at Norte Dame. This past week she suffered a stroke. She is doing well now, but has a long way to go on her road to recovery. She has limited use of her right side and her speech is affected as well. Please keep Claire and her family in your prayers. I know that they are greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Still Not Connected

OK. So It is almost 11am. The twins are grounded, but don't seem to realize it cause they keep getting off their beds and asking questions. It could end up being an all day affair. Daniel is coloring and the girls are playing with their new American girl dolls. Grace's doll is Elizabeth and she can tell you all about her and her friend Felicity. Sarah's doesn't have a name yet but she has fed it and put it to bed about 6 times this morning. She sings to her and prays with her too. Thank you Aunt Nora and Uncle Scott. The boys also have new Spiderman decorations on their windows and are getting ready for school thanks to Aunt Renee and Uncle Kevin. Although most of the boys toys may be in my room by the end of the day. Being grounded stinks, for mom too.

Why are we still not connected. Well we don't know. I have a lap top. We have a new internet connection via satalite. We have a wireless router for the internet connection. Wireless talks to computer, computer talks to wireless, computer won't connect to the internet. We have contacted our sources in NC and well we still can't figure it out. I guess we will have to resort to the 24/7 help line for the wireless router system. So for now my lap top is stationary at my desk physically connected to the internet via an ethernet cord. Keep checking to see when we are officially wireless. Anyway, dishes and laundry are waiting. Maybe I can get some prisioners to work off their time. We shall see.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Got it!!

Ok. so now I am able to access my blog. I have no idea what I did the first time but I am here and I can access my account. I had a really neat opening post. I might duplicate it tomorrow. for now I am going to bed. Good Night and God Bless!!

A New Adventure -- Again

Ok. I am just trying this out and well I couldn't get back to my first try. Something about passwords and such so this is a second attempt. I will post more once I figure this damn thing out.