Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Michigan Weather Stinks!!

OK so my alarm went off at 5:30 this morning and of course I rolled over and turned it off so that the back up one could wake me up again at 6am. My alarm is set to our local radio station and every morning at 6 they play the national anthem. It's like my cue to get my butt out of bed and start the day. So I did. In fact I had even started the night before by prepping the dinner for the crock pot and making lunches for school. I had even read my Bible study notes. Anyway, I get up get my shower and get back in to bed to cuddle, cause I have some extra time and what do I hear. SCHOOL IS CLOSED for the day!!!! Yuck!! Only in Hicksdale, I mean Hillsdale, do they close school because the roads are rutted and iced over due to a thaw and then freeze overnight. I understand the buses can't run on them, but hey all those parents didn't stay home from work did they? I think they may have been able to get the kids to school bus or not. Besides our school doesn't even use the public school bus we could have gotten to school. I know there are tons of reasons why school was closed and I am being very judgemental and I am not the one having to make the decision, but I can still dream can't I?

So we all went to Bible Study today, since I am the only one with kids in school and I lead it, I brought everyone along. Daniel and Sarah played with their friends and the college girls who do child care and the top three played in the gym. It was a pretty good morning, considering. We stayed and played at church until lunch, then came home, ate and rested while the little ones slept. Our afternoon consisted of Wii and movies. Happy Joy! Snow/Rain days cancel out the now Wii or TV during the school week rule.

Tomorrow we are supposed to have more rain/sleet/snow/ice along with gusty wind and rapidly dropping temperatures. I have made lunch for tomorrow and have dinner planned. We are supposed to have our Winter Wonderland open gym for toddlers and preschoolers, which is closed if school is closed. Who wants to wager that we won't have school tomorrow either?? Tune in tomorrow to find out!!


Adams Clan said...

Your comment got deleted Dad cause I accidently posted just the title to my blog and no actual blog and that is the one you commented on. Sorry. For those of you that missed it he said "Like they say wait five minutes and it will change." Too True!!

Dakotapam said...

School will totally be canceled tomorrow! You have to move to Mn or ND to go to school during inclement weather!

We had -45 with wind chills today and first graders walked two blocks to the library!

Dakotapam said...

Just to let you know...my blog address has changed dakotapam.blogspot.com