Thursday, January 24, 2008


I can honestly say this is the worst virus we have gotten in a long time. It seemed to last forever. Doug was the last to go yesterday and I do believe we are near the end. I think I can lower the Quarantine flag. It is now time to get out the bleach and Lysol and begin the clean up process. My washing machine, mop and sponges will all get a work out this weekend. That is the part I hate the most! Of course I will enlist the help of the minions, but forced labor is never cooperative!! Thank you to all who called to check up on us and offer help and prayers. We are doing much better and continue to improve each day. Hopefully Doug will be able to preach on Sunday. We have just been taking each day as it comes and playing it by ear. I am so looking forward to a more orderly routine next week. I think the kids are too. They like being home but get bored even when they are sick. I am going to have to ban TV for a year to make up for the amount they watched these past 10 days!!! Do you know how many times we watched Dora the Explorer and Madagascar?? Sarah can quote them if that tells you anything. You should see her and Daniel sing "New York" from Madagascar. It is so cute!

Anyway we have now begun the clean up and the homework, lots of homework. They have a while to finish it, but I think we will get as much done as we can this weekend. Things move fast at WCA and they will be better off if they get caught up quickly. It will be like school away from school. Lucky them, chores and homework. They may never get sick again!!!

Oh and...


We love you!!!!

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