Sunday, October 14, 2007


I took Grace, Nathan and Jacob to an orchestra concert today. The Hillsdale College/Community Orchestra gave its first concert of the season this weekend. They played four pieces, all of which were very well done. They even started the performance with the National Anthem. The kids liked that one the best because they knew the music. Grace did great sitting through it, the boys not so much. But overall they did well. Sorry but I didn't take any pictures.

There were several students and community members in the orchestra that the kids knew and lots of people in the audience that they knew also. There were at least 10 orchestra members from our church, most of them college students. I really enjoyed it, despite the kids. The next attempt at culture is a Christmas Operetta called "Amahl and the Night Visitors" Two Johnson boys and a babysitter are in this one. It is only 45 minutes long so it should go over much better with the boys.

Then in December we take the kids to the Boars Head performance at Concordia College in Ann Arbor. This is a highlight of the Christmas season for our family. This will be Daniel's first year to go. (They get to go when they are four. Actually, Daniel went as a tiny baby with Grace but we don't count that. ) Tickets go on sale on October 29 so if any of you are interested in going along with us on Sunday or any other day the first weekend in December give me a call and let me know. I call that Monday at noon to order the tickets.

Hope you all had a great weekend. I know I did!!

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