Friday, October 19, 2007

It Begins

I hate Michigan winters. As soon as we close the windows and turn on the heat we start to get sick. Colds, runny noses, sore throats, coughs and sneezes. A family this size is bound to have something at any given time all season long. Today it was Daniel.

We took Daniel to the doctor today because he had been acting very un-Daniel like lately. Crabby, irritable, tired and blah. He was up in the night dry heaving and complained of a sore throat. We have a great pediatrician and we were in to see him before noon and had the strep test back in five minutes, positive of course. So now he is on antibiotics for the next 10 days and quarantined to Grace's room cause it still has the TV and DVD player in it. Hopefully we can keep the rest of the gang healthy. Any and all prayers will be greatly appreciated. We will keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

He does not look sick to me!

Anonymous said...

He's not sick in these pics. I took these on the 15th before he came down with strep but I thought they were perfect for the blog.