Saturday, October 27, 2007

Oktoberfest, I mean Lutherfest!!

Tonight was what used to be called Oktoberfest but is now called Lutherfest at our church. They had carnival games ( donuts on a string, pumpkin painting, face painting, bean bag toss) for the kids and a great traditional German dinner. Sausage and saurcrout, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, hot dogs, cole slaw, rolls and lots and lots of pies. I took the kids and Aunt Amanda up at about 4:45pm. Dinner began at 6pm luckly we were one of the first tables to be served. Sarah still isn't feeling that great so she was cranky. Daniel was tired since he didn't take a nap today. Not a good combo. Needless to say we, that is Daniel, Sarah and I, left before the dancing even started. I did get to see the St. Paul's cloggers do one dance. That was neat. Sarah liked it but thought it was too loud. Rev. Oliver Washington, an army chaplin, was there as a guest speaker. Doug and I knew him from our Concordia days. He graduated with us. So we were able to visit with him, actually Doug and Amanda visited with him. Amanda knew him from Concordia too, he was the interm Campus Pastor last year. Then there was a live polka band. Daniel was upset he was going to miss the chicken dance, but he was asleep with in a half hour of coming home. Sarah was too. She is feeling better today thanks to that great Azitromyacin. That worked literally overnight!!!

Funny of the day: Sarah knows how to blow her nose and she has been doing a great job of it lately. Yesterday, however, she was really stuffed up and constantly had gook running out of her nose. When I asked her to blow her nose she would try but just couldn't get anything to come out. Her reply? "I can't, its broke!!" Gotta love two year old logic!!

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