Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Tuckerd Out!!

Daniel used to take FOREVER to fall asleep. He would fight it to the very end each night. Several trips to the bathroom, missing stuffed animals, and lots of questions later, he would finally fall asleep. Now in all fairness to him I was giving him a 2 hour nap every day. Since school started for him however, things have changed. He is a bit grumpy in the evening and more prone to whining and melt downs but he falls asleep in five minutes flat. Usually without any reminding on my part. I guess school just plain Tuckers him Out!!

On a sad note: One of my all time favorite authors died on Sunday, September 16. He had been fighting a rare blood disease. His pen name, by which he is the most well known, is Robert Jordan. His real name is James Oliver Rigney, Jr. He is from Charleston, SC. He wrote the series of books called "The Wheel of Time." There are currently 11 books in the series. He was working on the 12th and final book when he died. Hopefully, someday, someone, will finish it for him and for all of his fans too. Thanks to Amanda for calling with this information. I couldn't even log onto his blog it is too overwhelmed.

Anyway, so as not to leave you with a sad story: The kids are really excited about going to Grandmas this weekend. Last week they were ok with the fact that the pool was closed for the season, since it was so cold. Today however Grace was hoping Pappa would reopen it since it was going to be very warm and nice while we were there. I told her she would have to wait until next year to swim -- I didn't think pappa would reopen it just for her!!!!


Anonymous said...

I dont know about that! He did get air in house JUST for her!

Anonymous said...

i was totally gonna say that but you BEAT me!! she should call him and ask. just to see. :) bathing suits dont take up too much room. Happy packing!