Friday, September 28, 2007

Holy Bats, Batman!! Part 3

We are finally done. Yes, after a whole month we have finally finished our series of Rabies Shots. We went in today after violin lessons. For a celebration we had McDonald's with shakes too. We also sang Happy Birthday to Daniel who will celebrate his 4th bday in a little over a week. We will be at Grandma Adams' next weekend to visit with Uncle Scott and Aunt Nora.

So in case you were wondering here is our shot tally. This is the total for the whole series. You get shots on Day 0, 3,7,14 &28. Day 0 is the hRIG and 1 vaccine. The rest are just the vaccine.

Doug = 11
Robyn = 10
Grace = 7
Nathan =7
Jacob = 7
Daniel = 6
Sarah =6

Doug and I each got more of the hRIG (human rabies immune globulin) than the kids since it goes by weight. Grace, Nathan and Jacob got 2 of the hRIG and 5 vaccines and Daniel and Sarah each got 1 hRIG and 5 vaccine. The kids got all of theirs in their thighs. Doug and I got the hRIGs in our lower back/upper bottom area and the vaccines in our arm. And in there, because I didn't know we would be getting shots all month, I scheduled well visits for the kids and G,N&J all needed Chicken Pox boosters. They weren't too happy with me for that one. Thankfully this one went in their arm not their leg.

But we are finally finished. Now the kids can work in a field that deals frequently with rabid animals and they won't need to go through all of this. And if any one ever gets bit again by a rabid animal, all they will need is two booster shots, which is a lot better than what they had to do this time. So I am now an expert on Rabies. Call me if you get bit or think you are bit by a bat. I will probably have the answer to just about any question you might have. :-) I will let you know how the insurance end turns out. We haven't gotten a single bill yet. I have no doubt that they are coming though, and soon!!

FYI the "Bat Guy" has finished on the house too. He didn't capture any bats but he did seal up the holes they were using and evicted a squirrel. He also put down enough poison in the attic and basement, where none of us ever go, to kill a horse!!! Hopefully the bat problem has been taken care of!!!! For Good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's 54 shots total! Those are are some very brave kids you've got there.