Friday, September 7, 2007

Round Three

Today was day 7 of the rabies vaccine. We have done shots on day 0- Friday, Day 3 should have been Monday, but we got them Tuesday instead (that is a story for another post). Today was day 7 and another round of shots. The next will be day 14 next Friday and then again on day 28. Coincidently all the "Days" fall on the correct day of the month. At least I won't have trouble figuring out when we got the shots or when we are due. We went to do shots around 2:30pm. today. The kids are beginning to get the hang of it and each time there are less tears. Sometimes you can't help but laugh at the whole situation.

"It's like this," says Grace, " One, Two, Three: poke, ouch, squirt, out and you're done!"

After her shot today Sarah told me, "That bugger in there hurt me!"

Daniel was playing with the levers on the gurney type bed in the room we were in while getting shots. Nathan, being the parent that he is, says to Daniel; "Quit messing with that its for dead people!"

It is ok to laugh, we are!!! (Its that or cry!)

I apologize for any misspellings, my spell checker didn't want to check my spelling today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Sarah might be thinking about revenge somewhere down the line.