Friday, April 4, 2008

The Hills are Alive...

Today we are beginning our big Spring Cleaning. We have gone through buckets of clothes and put away too small, too big and rummage sale items. Later we will be going to see the Hillsdale and Will Carleton presentation of "The Sound of Music." I will edit this later and let you know how it went. I added more pictures to yesterday's post so scroll down and take a look.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Haven't read his books, no. Thought it was a really great quote, as that's how I've felt for the past five years...almost six! And yes, feel free to use it anywhere you want. Spring cleaning...does it REALLY ever end?? Seems like as soon as I get one kids' clothes sorted out, it's time to move on to the other one! Not to mention, my frumpy clothes from post pregnancy...I'm slowly shrinking :-)