Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Random Week

Aunt Nora brought all the kids a giant coloring book and lots of markers. They came in a neat holder. Sarah decided she liked coloring on her body instead of the Dora coloring book.

Yes, she even colored in between her toes!!!

I think there are actually pictures there not just scribbles!

There are days when all these two do is fight. Then there are days when they are best friends. There are even days when they are husband and wife or "honey and son" as they like to say. Aren't they too cute!!
Grace had a violin recital on Saturday, May 3. She did a great job. It was short but sweet. She played the tune of "Go my Children." It helps when she knows the song!!


by Jacob Adams

Blue looks like my sister's eyes.

Blue smells like a stinky t-shirt.

Blue tastes like salty sea water.

Blue sounds like a bluebird singing a cool song.

Blue feels like a sponge when I scrub the floor.


by Nathan Adams

Red looks like a new barn.

Red smells like a hot fire.

Red sounds like a gunshot when someone is hunting.

Red tastes like really hot redhots.

Red feels like red hand sanitizer.


Anonymous said...

I hope the markers were water based and washable. Grace looks sooooo grown up playing the violin. The poems were great! Sarah and Daniel make a cute couple. Can't wait to them all this weekend.

Unknown said...

Well, all I can say about the markers is that I was afraid that they would be used on surfaces other than paper. Do you know how long I debated on that purchase? I had them in and out of the cart about three times. The ultimate decision was based on the fact that Grace's coloring book came with markers and therefore everyone else needed markers too. Sarah might have made a mess but she is soooo cute! Speaking of cute, could Daniel get any cuter? Thanks again for taking me to the play. I loved it!

Emily Cook said...

haha I love those mommy moments-

OOOOHHH you are in trouble kiddo- but sit still for a minute while I grab the camera!

Dakotapam said...

Ha! Every mom needs a moment like that, I have a picture of Willie (woo woo) that looks similar!