Thursday, February 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Sarah loves birthdays. She has been waiting weeks to celebrate with cousin Peyton. Each time a birthday is mentioned it is Peyton's. We really need to get together with her so Sarah can get past this fixation. Even today, while we celebrated Doug's birthday, Sarah wanted to go to Grandma Wyckhuy's for Peyton's birthday. I made Doug cupcakes (puccakes to Sarah - she can say cup and cake but gets it mixed up when she tries to say them together. Doug thinks it sounds like she says buttcakes!)

Sarah is a corker. She has quite an imagination for a two and a half year old. She loves the Disney princess movies and is forever dressing up in one of the costumes we have. They are all too long for her, but she hikes up the skirt very lady like and walks around like she really is a princess. Tonight, she was playing with Doug on our bed and all of a sudden she had him laying down and closing his eyes. "Close your eyes!" she demanded. She then proceeded to sing a song to him. She rubbed his head and looked lovingly into his closed eyes. Then she kissed him and he opened his eyes. "You're Alive!" she exclaimed. She did it several more times, each time Doug and I were laughing so hard it hurt.
Doug hasn't been feeling well lately and so Sarah is often asking him if he is sick or if something hurts. If he responds yes she says, "Oh I sorry. I kiss it" and then kisses what ever ails him and declares "All Better!" She has also taken to telling secrets. She will pull us close and lean into our ears and whisper something we can never understand, but she thinks it is important. She says everything like she means it and can be quite bossy. We thought we had our hands full with Daniel!! The look she is giving is the puppy dog pout. She uses it every chance she gets. It works on just about everyone, even dad, but he'll never admit it. He claims Amanda made him immune to such looks, I disagree!!!
Oh, and I just have to tell you this. Remember that new TV Grandma and Grandpa Wyckhuys got the kids for Christmas? The one that was supposed to be mounted on the wall? Well it isn't mounted and we are still using it in the Entertainment Center. Today we discovered something that will probably hinder us from moving it anytime soon. We pick up digital signals now. Before we were using the rabbit ears or antenna from the roof to pick up a fuzzy CBS and FOX and semi clear ABC and a near perfect NBC. PBS was always fuzzy and noisy. Tonight, as Doug was fiddling with the TV he found out we were picking up the free digital signals, you know the ones that will only be broadcast after this time next year. Way cool!! As much as I thought getting rid of the dish was a good idea as far as limiting the kids and saving money were concerned, I am a TV junkie through and through and I was missing my clear shows and was beginning to hate network TV. Now, understand, we still only get network stuff, but now we pick up the CW and I can watch SMALLVILLE!!!! Life is good again!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


The kids had another day off today. This was a planned winter break, but it seemed unnecessary since we have had so many snow days lately. Life continued as usual for a Tuesday, despite the kids being home. I had Bible Study in the morning while the kids played in the gym and Daniel and Sarah played with friends and college girls for a play date. Then Daniel went to school and the rest of us took a nap. A little backwards I know, but they were all up at 5:30 this morning when Sarah woke them up and they had been up late the night before because of scouts and no school. We just had leftovers for dinner and then the fun began. Doug and the boys were in scrapping moods. It started in the bathroom while the boys were getting their monthly buzz cut. They were a bit slap happy. After it turned into an all out fight. I even got soaked with the sprayer from the kitchen, I guess I am not neutral after all. Here are some picks from the event. As you can see Doug's weapon of choice was a towel. The boys added the back backs and shields after several sneak attacks by dad. Daniel, who was tired cause he didn't have a nap and isn't quite back to normal yet, was not happy when mommy got attacked. They all had fun in the end though and that is what counts.

The deer was back again today. Check out yesterday's post for the pictures. I added then there instead of here.

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Road to Recovery

I think that I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. We actually went to church yesterday, which is saying something because it has been nearly two weeks since we have done that. We only missed one actual Sunday, but we have bible studies and play dates held there during the week that we have missed two weeks running. It felt good to be back.

Daniel is finally doing better. I wouldn't put him at 100%, but at least he isn't contagious anymore. The first round of antibiotic, Azythramyacin, didn't do the trick so after 4 days on that we switched to Omnicef. We saw a major improvement in less than 24 hours. Our peditrician said he has been seeing a lot of cases this year that are not responding to the Azythramyacin. Scary thought.

Sarah is doing better too. She is also taking Omnicef and ear drops, but she is great about both so I can't complain. Now if she would only go to sleep instead of playing in her bed for an hour!!!

The top three started back into Honk rehearsals again on Sunday. I am once again asking myself, "What Was I Thinking!!!" The rehearsals are from 2-5 on Sunday and 6:30- 8:30 Monday and Wednesday. The kids are froglets and are only supposed to be in three or so scenes but they seem to be needed at every practice. It isn't too bad now since they have no real after school activites, save Scouts and violin. The end of April will be insane. Rehearsals everynight for a week then two weekends of shows. The show will run May 2 & 3 at 8pm and May 4 at 3pm and again the following weekend May 9 & 10 and 11 at the same times. If you would like to come see the kids "Warts and All" just let me know. Tickets are inexpensive but they sell out fast.

These past few weeks have been so weird weather wise that the deer are getting confused. Three days in a row we found them out side the big window in our "dining" room. Doug took pictures which I will post later cause I just don't want to right now. The second morning Sarah saw them and we watched for 20 minuted before they ran away. The third morning they watched until Tiger saw them and scared them away. According to Grace there were thousands of them running across the field. A whole pack according to Jacob. The are sooo cute, according to Sarah.

Sarah is talking and singing up a storm these days. She often breaks into song with a pretend microphone in her hand. Her faves are "Bop to the Top", "Fabulous" and "Everyday" from High School Musical. She and Daniel do a "New York, New York" routine that is adorable. She also has some phrases that are just hers. My favorite is "Thats ahgusting" and "This is deeewichious" I love two, most of the time.

This week my goal is to get my laundry room looking like my friend Pam's, at least for now. It kinda piled up on us when everyone was sick. I also want to start to attack Sarah's old room which is now a catch all. I can hardly walk in there. We shall see just how much I accomplish. It is kinda hard now since the kids have today and tomorrow off of school, but hopfully by the weekend I might be done.

The boys are home. Gotta go! Blessings All! Anyone know why I can't spell check this thing???

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I am tired. I am tired of the cold. I am tired of the sickness. I am tired of winter. I am tired of a dirty house. I am tired of Hallmark Holidays! I am tired of being tired!!!

I took Sarah to the doc today. She has a double ear infection. They sent me home with scripts for Tylenol with codine, drops for her ears and an antibiotic. I took Daniel to the doc on Monday. He has pneumonia. ( sorry if that is spelled wrong, my spell check still isn't wanting to work and I am too lazy to look it up!) They sent me home with an antibiotic and cough syrup with codine. Nathan stayed home from school today, since he was hacking up a lung most of the day yesterday. Doug & I are still under the weather too.

We had McDonalds for the second time this week because no one, including me, feels like eating all that much or doing all that much. Besides it is fast and easy and I was there since the pharmacy is right next door.

The kids had to do their Valentines tonight since we only just got the paper yesterday. They have to make them. We can't just buy the ones with the characters on them and call it good. So we stamped Button Bear on 20 cards each then hole punched them and threaded suckers on them so it looks like the bear is holding a sucker balloon. Simple, cute and Done!!

Jacob brought home Nate's homework which he felt compelled to complete tonight. He didn't, but he wanted to. He did do some though. He was getting to fustrated too quickly. Tempers are flairing and patience is in short supply now a days.

It is 9:09pm and NO ONE is sleeping. Sarah was moved to a big girl bed since the temp in her old room was bearly reaching 65 during the day. So now she sleeps in a twin bed in with Grace. She is still getting used to it and wants to talk to Grace or herself instead of going to sleep. I suppose I can be thankful she isn't getting out of the bed, yet. I think the meds are making them hyper cause Daniel is still wide awake too. At least the big kids know to lay still and quiet, most of the time anyway. They know I am at the end of my rope today so they are being quite good. Now if I could only get Sarah and Daniel to cooperate.

Doug just got home from church. We had midweek service tonight. They did Ash Wednesday since that service got canceled last week due to WEATHER!! I think we have missed at least 6 days of school this month alone due to weather. One day we missed because it was too WET and the buses couldn't drive on the rutted and nearly frozen streets. Then we missed one because it was too cold and a few because of all the snow. It will be July before school gets out at this rate. Most schools have used all their built in days so now they will either tack on some at the end or cut short vacations during the school year. Happy Joy!!

Sorry to dump on ya' all but isn't that what a blog is for sometimes? I hope that you are all doing well. Have a great Valentines Day tomorrow. Hugs and Kisses from the Adams Clan!!!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Quarantine -- Again!!

The flag above is the Quarantine flag that ships are supposed to fly if they have a sickness on board. We once again have been hit. I think Daniel started it, but we can't be sure since he never really got sick. He just has a cough. Sarah, on the other hand, has green snot oozing out her nose, a cough and a fever. According to the doc it is a good old Cold, for now. Doug has also been hit. He went down yesterday after feeling fine all day. He came home around 6pm, ate next to nothing for dinner and then crashed. He had a fever of nearly 102 which is really high for him since is normal is 97 something. Today he was still feeling bad, but was starting to feel better so he went up to church to take down some chairs and pick up the kids from school. He threw up in our parking lot. He got the shakes while waiting in line at WCA and barely made it home. The teachers must have thought he was nuts. The kids were freaking out a little too. He was shaking so bad I almost called an ambulance. It stopped though and he threw up some more and felt better. We have no idea what he has. The shaking was from the MH, a reaction to the stress on his body. So now we are in the wait and see mode. Wait and see who is next. We really have to be better before next weekend cause we are supposed to go to Grandma Wyckhuys' for Peyton's birthday party. Sarah will be absolutely devestated if we can't go. It is all she is talking about these days. Those two are going to be a pair as they get older.
Not much else is new here. We are just trying to stay ahead of everthing and keep the healthy kids healthy. I am waiting for the boys to fall asleep so I can go and read. I have rediscovered an author I really like. I had read a few of her novels before and then life got in the way and I never read the rest of her stuff. Well, the last time we were all sick I picked up one of her newer novels at Walmart and since then I have gone to the library and borrowed most of the rest. I only have a few more to go. Some of the books have related characters and I have finished most of those and then she has some stand alone novels that I will work on next. Her name is Julie Garwood. I started with "For the Roses". They made a TV movie from this one called "Rose Hill". It stared Jennifer Garner. Anyway, she wrote four more books about those characters and I had read all of them a long time ago. Now I am reading the ones about the Buchanan family both in the present time and in the Highlands of Scotland around the time of Richard the Lionheart. They are great quick reads with a simple plot and endearing characters. She is very funny and I will often laugh out loud while I am reading. OK enough rambling. The boys are asleep and I am going to sign off for now. See ya!!! (and yes Renee I am having trouble with the spell check too. )