Sarah is a corker. She has quite an imagination for a two and a half year old. She loves the Disney princess movies and is forever dressing up in one of the costumes we have. They are all too long for her, but she hikes up the skirt very lady like and walks around like she really is a princess. Tonight, she was playing with Doug on our bed and all of a sudden she had him laying down and closing his eyes. "Close your eyes!" she demanded. She then proceeded to sing a song to him. She rubbed his head and looked lovingly into his closed eyes. Then she kissed him and he opened his eyes. "You're Alive!" she exclaimed. She did it several more times, each time Doug and I were laughing so hard it hurt.
Doug hasn't been feeling well lately and so Sarah is often asking him if he is sick or if something hurts. If he responds yes she says, "Oh I sorry. I kiss it" and then kisses what ever ails him and declares "All Better!" She has also taken to telling secrets. She will pull us close and lean into our ears and whisper something we can never understand, but she thinks it is important. She says everything like she means it and can be quite bossy. We thought we had our hands full with Daniel!! The look she is giving is the puppy dog pout. She uses it every chance she gets. It works on just about everyone, even dad, but he'll never admit it. He claims Amanda made him immune to such looks, I disagree!!!
Oh, and I just have to tell you this. Remember that new TV Grandma and Grandpa Wyckhuys got the kids for Christmas? The one that was supposed to be mounted on the wall? Well it isn't mounted and we are still using it in the Entertainment Center. Today we discovered something that will probably hinder us from moving it anytime soon. We pick up digital signals now. Before we were using the rabbit ears or antenna from the roof to pick up a fuzzy CBS and FOX and semi clear ABC and a near perfect NBC. PBS was always fuzzy and noisy. Tonight, as Doug was fiddling with the TV he found out we were picking up the free digital signals, you know the ones that will only be broadcast after this time next year. Way cool!! As much as I thought getting rid of the dish was a good idea as far as limiting the kids and saving money were concerned, I am a TV junkie through and through and I was missing my clear shows and was beginning to hate network TV. Now, understand, we still only get network stuff, but now we pick up the CW and I can watch SMALLVILLE!!!! Life is good again!!!