Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving in Pictures

We had an eventful Thanksgiving weekend. I thought instead of relating it to you in words I would do it with pictures. I have added some commentary, just to move the story along.

The Girls making Apple Pie!

Wow! Pies are Done!!!
Yumm - O!

No Heat!! This is the first time over the next four days that Lakeview comes out to fix the furnace. Once Thursday, Friday and Sunday!! It is finally working. We are keeping our fingers crossed that it stays that way.

Watching the Parade and eatin' popcorn.

Nap Time!!!

Dessert, a perfect ending to a Thanksgiving Day!

Friday, Mark and Renee Brenner and the boys came over to visit. We had leftovers for lunch and pizza for dinner. We talked with the kids played. The dad's rented Wii games and I think they had more fun than the boys did!! Saturday morning Renee and I went on a coffee run then the Brenners left around 9am. Grandma and Grandpa Wyckhuys arrived at about 11:30 and spent the night with us. Church on Sunday, another furnace fix, and naps and by Sunday night, we had had a very busy weekend. It was great to visit with friends and family. We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pies you girls made was delicious. I especially liked it warm with cold ice cream.