Monday, November 26, 2007

Warts and all!!

That is the title of the show the kids, Grace, Nathan and Jacob, will be in in February. A few weeks ago they auditioned for the local Theater for Youth's production of HONK! Jr. They made the show and are froglettes. They only sing in three or four songs, but they are featured in "Warts and All". If you go to Youtube and type in the song title you should be able to find some videos of other people preforming the song. It is really cute and I think the kids are going to have a blast. We had our first meeting tonight and rehearsals begin on Sunday, December 2. I have included a few links for those of you who aren't familiar with HONK! I wasn't. It is basically the story of the ugly duckling. I have also included the link to the Theater for Youth. They will occasionally post pictures of the kids at rehearsals and in the show. The show is February 8,9,10,15,16&17. You are all invited, just let me know how many tickets you will need and for what show. I will post the times when I know them. So the next time you see the kids you can tell them you love them WARTS AND ALL!!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving in Pictures

We had an eventful Thanksgiving weekend. I thought instead of relating it to you in words I would do it with pictures. I have added some commentary, just to move the story along.

The Girls making Apple Pie!

Wow! Pies are Done!!!
Yumm - O!

No Heat!! This is the first time over the next four days that Lakeview comes out to fix the furnace. Once Thursday, Friday and Sunday!! It is finally working. We are keeping our fingers crossed that it stays that way.

Watching the Parade and eatin' popcorn.

Nap Time!!!

Dessert, a perfect ending to a Thanksgiving Day!

Friday, Mark and Renee Brenner and the boys came over to visit. We had leftovers for lunch and pizza for dinner. We talked with the kids played. The dad's rented Wii games and I think they had more fun than the boys did!! Saturday morning Renee and I went on a coffee run then the Brenners left around 9am. Grandma and Grandpa Wyckhuys arrived at about 11:30 and spent the night with us. Church on Sunday, another furnace fix, and naps and by Sunday night, we had had a very busy weekend. It was great to visit with friends and family. We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving too.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Turkey Day Everyone!!!

Just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. We are having an eventful day and are looking forward to a fun weekend.

I am doing an informal poll. What are you most thankful for this year. Send along your comment and let us know. I'll start by saying that I am most thankful for my faith, my family and my friends.

Check back Sunday or sooner for a look at our Thanksgiving in pictures and lots from the weekend too. Can't wait to hear your poll answers! We love and miss you all.


Friday, November 16, 2007


There are lots of new posts today so scroll down and enjoy. I kinda made up for lost time this week. Have fun and SMILE!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Climb

Daniel. Heaven help us all!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Honor Roll

At Will Carleton Academy where the kids go to school, Third grade is the first year they get real grades instead of O, S, or N. So with grades comes the Honor Roll. Grace was blessed to be on this first quarters honor roll. They have a ceremony where they hand out the certificates and they shake hands. All of the third grade class made the A's and B's honor roll, Grace included. They also recognize all A's, which Grace wasn't this quarter, but is trying for in the second quarter. I have included some pictures. They didn't turn out too great because I was too far away using my flash. In any case we are very proud of Grace and are working hard to keep her on the honor roll for next quarter. We know she can do it!!!!

The Loft

Grace was given a new bed this week. A member's daughter was down-sizing and wanted to know if we wanted a loft type bed with a desk underneath. Of course, Grace would love it and it would get her off the floor; she was sleeping on a queen mattress with no box spring because it wouldn't fit up the stairs. So it was delivered Saturday and Doug finally set it up today, Wednesday. She had it made and organized within minutes. She loves it. Thank you Crist Family!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Are You Smarter Than a Third Grader

These were some of the questions that I made up based on the study guide sent home for Grace's Social Studies test on Ancient Rome. She got 100%, could you???


Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Justinian

1. Who was known for being greedy and selfish?
2. Who wrote down the Roman laws?
3. Who was known as the first Christian ruler?
4. Who divided the empire into 2 halves and named honest, hardworking, men for government offices?

Fill in the Blank

Mt. Vesuvius, colosseum, circus Maximus, arches, Pax Romana, Pompeii,Western Empire

5. The ________ fell first in AD476.
6. The Romans watched chariot races in the ___________.
7. The __________ was a time of peace for Rome that lasted about 200 years.
8. _______ gave support to many Roman structures.
9. The Romans watched fights in the _____________.
10. __________ erupted in A.D. 79 and destroyed the cities of __________ & Herculaneum.

True or False

11. We can tell from ruins that the Romans went to shopping centers.
12. When the Roman Empire was divided into 2 , the Western Empire was ruled from Constantinople and the Eastern was ruled from Rome.
13. The Romans persecuted Christians because they believed in only one God.

Short Answer

14. List three reasons buildings become ruins.
15. List four reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire.
16. List two things the Romans did to the Christians.

a. civil war b. collapse c. conquer d. decline e. mosaic f. persecute g. pillage
h. pillar i. preserve j.toga k. virtue

17. ___ to win control of a land by attacking an enemy or fighting a war.
18. ___ goodness
19.___ a loose robe worn by citizens of ancient Rome
20.___ to fall down suddenly
21.___ a war between people who live in the same country
22.___ to grow weaker
23.___ to treat people cruelly and unfairly
24. ___ to keep or save
25. ___ a tall, solid support post
26. ___ to steal things using force or violence
27. ___ art work made of many small pieces of stone or tile

Scroll all the way to the bottom of this page to see how you did. Send me your score!!!

Notes from School

The following is a note that was sent home with Daniel today.

"Daniel read his first words at school today!! He was very pleased with himself. He is not ready to read them at home but will be soon. hat, cat, bat, sat, mat, fat, with this word he laughed and said"Daddy is fat"

Only Daniel. Diane Smith, his teacher, has been working at St. Paul's for quite a few years now so we know her pretty well. She is a big reason that we decided to send Daniel to preschool to begin with. Anyway, I am sure that she felt quite comfortable sending the note and laughing as she did!!! Thanks Diane!!


Today is my mom's birthday. So I just wanted to post a Happy Birthday message to let her know we are thinking about her and love her.


Friday, November 9, 2007


This has been a fairly uneventful week in the Adams' house.

The week started out calmly with laundry, loads of laundry, on Monday. ( I am still doing laundry today!! But I did lots on Monday)

Tuesday is Bible Study morning. I lead a Moms Bible study once a week. We have about 9 regular moms and no less than 15 children under the age of 4 each week. Most of the moms have 2 or more children, acutally all but one. Some stay in the room with us but in the play room there are usually two or three babysitters and 10 to 12 kids. Can you say Chaos!!! Tuesday afternoon Doug stayed home and helped me clean for the trustees. It was their night to walk through the parsonage. My house is now clean for at least 48 hours until I get behind again. Not sure how that happens but it always does. No surprises on the walk through. It was what we expected.

Wednesday was another quiet day at home.

Thursday the big kids had a half day because of Parent Teacher conferences so they came home at 11:30 and Daniel went to school at noon. It was a backwards day. Thursday night we had McDonalds to celebrate the kids great report cards. Grace made honor roll!! All A's and B's!! (only 2 B's) That ceremony is next Wednesday at opening. We will be there to take pictures.

Today, Friday, the kids had the day off. So they actually slept in until 7:30!! That was a great start to our day. Doug made pancakes and eggs for breakfast. I am not allowed to make pancakes anymore because I burn them. :-) After breakfast the kids and Dad sat down and watched "Fort Apache"! They love that movie. Daniel was once again quaranteened to the bedroom with the tv because he had developed a 1o2 fever!! We took him to Dr. Herbener at noon. No strep just a cold. Thank goodness!! He hates being alone upstairs! Although Nathan wanted to know if Daniel had strep throat again if he would have to have his nostrils taken out. He meant tonsils. The rest of the afternoon was uneventful. Grace had violin practice from 4 until 5:30 then we had dinner and cleaned up for bed. Everyone is asleep and has been since about 8:30!! There really isn't that much going on now, just wait until it gets closer to Christmas though. Life around here gets real fun!!

Oh back to the title of this blog. That is Sarah's new word, something. It comes around often now. "I stinky or something." "I eat oatmeal or something" "I watch tv or something" see the pattern. I have no idea where she picked it up, but it is quite funny. I will listen for more quotes and post them tomorrow. Oh and she is starting to eat each meal like it is her last. Today she had three pancakes and eggs for breakfast and for dinner she had spaghetti, two helpings of cottage cheese, and about 6 slices of peaches. She just kept eating and eating and eating. At least she doesn't complain!!!

One last funny, the boys have played a Wii game with Spiderman in it. The character has a few quotes that he says over and over. One of them the boys, especially Daniel, really like. It goes, "The itsy bitsy spider is gonna web you in the face." Well Daniel says it all the time especially when he plays spiderman or when he is in a scrapping mood. However, it was when I was changing Sarah today and she started to sing what I thought was going to be "The itsy bitsy spider crawled up the water spout" but it turned into "the itsy bitsy spider is gonna web you in the face." Help!!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Dress up Fun

On Friday Doug, Sarah, Daniel and I went into Jackson to take some college girls to the train station. We also stopped at the Toy House to pick up Boy Scout stuff for the Twins and a toy for Sarah, a Christmas gift really. We also went to the "Halloween USA" store. All their costumes were 50% off. So we were able to pick up some great dress up stuff at a fraction of the cost. Here
are some pictures. The boys each got a super hero costume and then we got the Boba Fet costume because he was one character we DIDN'T have yet. So that is Jacob as Boba Fet and Superman. Nathan is red Spiderman and Daniel is Black Spiderman. Grace is a pirate and Sarah is Tinker Bell.

The kids had a blast playing with the new costumes. They were having so much fun I took some pictures, lots of pictures actually. It was hard to pick just a few. Here are some of the fun ones.

I hope that you all had a great weekend. We did. Oh and that was a great Football game on Saturday, no matter who you were cheering for. GO BLUE!! I added pictures to my last post so scrool down for more smiles.