Friday, June 27, 2008

Birthday Bash

Invited to a party, you have been!!

Please join us for the Adams Clan Birthday Bash!

A long time ago (1999-2003)

in a galaxy far, far away (St.Louis)...

Five great kids were born.

(OK so two were born in Michigan, anyway...)

In honor of their births we are having a cosmic celebration,
Star Wars Style.
Please join us on
Saturday, August 2, 2008
The Mos Eisley Cantina (our backyard)
Costumes are encouraged, but not required!!
We plan on making a day of it, so come early, but...
Pod Races will begin at 2pm
Dinner will be at 5pm
Medal ceremonies will be at dusk.
Come early and stay late!!
We even have bunk space available for those who need it!
Hope to see you all there!!
RSVP by sending the force our way!! (call or email Robyn)
Gifts are not necessary, your presence is your gift!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

An Update

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. VBS week got the best of me. With 7 kids and two dogs in our house all week I really didn't have the time or frankly the energy to blog. I shouldn't even be blogging now, I'm sick, but I wanted to post a quick update so you all didn't think we had fallen off the face of the earth. I do have some pictures of the past week but I am too tired to try and post them here tonight. I will try and put them in a slideshow soon.

We did have a great week at VBS. We used CPH's kit, Friendship Trek. It was a lot of fun. CPH does all the work. They provide music, skits, PowerPoint, puppets, and lots of extras. We maxed out at 65 kids, which sounds like a lot, however we have maxed at nearly 150 before. This was just a very weird summer. Most schools got out the Friday before we started, so that kept some kids and volunteers home, then there is the economy. Not everyone could afford to drive into church 2-4 times a day all week. We aren't exactly in the middle of anything. I think that the kids that did come had a great time and it is for them that we do this anyway. For some of them this is the only exposure to Jesus or Church that they get all year. I keep hoping too that the congregation will see how cool it is to see 60 some kids all worshipping together in the sanctuary. That is one of the best parts of a Day school, but alas, we just can't talk them into making that leap of faith. Prayerfully, someday, it will happen!! But I digress....

We had Joel and Ben Brenner stay with us for VBS week. This is their third trip to our house for VBS. Mark and Renee used the time to vacation in Mexico for their 10Th anniversary. The boys have lots of fun and it makes the week go by quickly. They all get along fairly well, although Daniel tends to get on Ben's nerves come about Wednesday. We stayed busy though and that helped.

This week will be quiet in comparison. I am of course sick. With what I don't know but I have had a fever and sore throat for a few days now. I could probably stand for a trip to the doc, maybe get some meds. I did manage to take the kids to see a stage production of High School Musical yesterday before I got too sick. They enjoyed it. They knew a few of the people in the cast. Next we will go see Oliver! in August. They will get exposed to theatre one way or another!!

Well I am going to sign off for now. Thanks for checking in on us. Hopefully we will see you all sooner than later!!!

Oh, I have a new "toy" too. Facebook. It is an interesting Internet tool. Scary, but interesting. It is kinda like six degrees of separation on the Internet. Check it out sometime, you'll be surprised at who you may find!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008


We have a busy week coming up. It is Vacation Bible School. Please say a quick prayer that we get lots of last minute volunteers, because we may end up with more kids than our help can handle!!!! I will try to post daily or more realistically, every other day, to keep you up to date on the fun of our Friendship Trek!!!

The reason for my post today is politics. I am not a fan of politics. I hate debate, mostly because I am not any good at it, but also because I am not big on confrontation. I can count at least 100 things I like better than politics. However, on the rare occasions I needed to listen to a political debate or commentary, in order to make a decision about which candidate to vote for in an upcoming election, I usually found myself listening to Tim Russert. I liked him, maybe because he was easy to understand, maybe because he had a strong faith and it showed, or maybe because he was just a likable guy. Anyway you look at it though, he will be missed. My heart goes out to his family as they mourn this weekend, but I pray too that we rejoice together in the fact that Tim is now at eternal peace with his Lord and Savior.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Pappa!!

OK. We had a busy day today. VBS is fast approaching and we have people coming to our house tomorrow so we didn't get a chance to make our phone call to Pappa and sing Happy Birthday. We will do that belatedly tomorrow, but for now this will have to do.

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Pappa!
Happy Birthday to you!! Cha Cha Cha!!!
We love you!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wii Fit

9 kids, ages 8 months to 9 years. That was my day today. I willing volunteered to watch my friends children so that she could pack in peace. They are moving to Columbus, Indiana in a few weeks and we are coordinating a play date and dinner schedule. We had both the play date and dinner today. Needless to say it was busy at my house today. How busy you say? Well, lets take a look. Oh and by the way no need to worry about us adding number 6 or 7 to our clan, I am pretty sure I would be institutionalized if we had any more kids. 9 is good for a few hours or even a day, but 24/7, I don't think so. Anyway, back to my day.

6:30 up and in shower
7:00 kids up/breakfast
7:45 kids to school
8:00 Curves for me!
8:45 pick up Daniel and Sarah & head to Walmart for groceries
10:00 home from shopping
11:00 Cook family arrives Lorraine, 5 Aggie, 3 Seth, 2 and Marcus 8 months
12:00 Lunch
1:00 NAPTIME ;-)
2:30 Wii Fit

The Cooks have Wii Fit and brought it along to keep the kids busy since it was raining today.

ATTENTION: This will be a great Birthday Bash gift!!! The kids loved it!!! I think the "big kids" will like it too. :-)

3:30 WCA kids arrive, now we are 9!!
5:30 Josh and Emily return, having gotten much accomplished
7:00 Dinner Brats, fruit, salad and chips
8:30 Cooks return home and we settle in to watch the Wings win THE CUP!!
10:00 Put the kids to bed, no the game isn't over, but we are in a Tornado watch and they need to sleep now in case they aren't sleeping later due to weather.

I will post pictures tomorrow!!! GO WINGS!!!