Thursday, October 16, 2008


I promised my sister that I would blog today. I don't have much to talk about though. I am not on my laptop so I have no pictures. I am on Doug's office computer which is painfully slow. I think it is dying. It is ancient, almost 8. I wasn't even sure I would be able to blog on it. I have yet to try to actually post this, so if you are reading it I guess I was successful. :-)

Let's see, an update might be in order.

On Sept 1 we moved from the parsonage to a rental home. Great house, all hard wood, pool table in the basement, yet in some ways not kid or family of 7 friendly. We are surviving and adjusting. On October 25 we will move back into the parsonage. It will have no visible mold, a new furnace, new wiring to the furnace, some fixed toilets, a new ceiling fan and other sundry repairs. Meanwhile, the kids are doing fine. Grace continues to play the violin and every one is doing well at school. Daniel loves Kindergarten and Sarah is the model Montessori student.

Doug and I are learning patience. Prayer is a constant source of comfort in our hectic lives.

We loved seeing everyone at the Block wedding and at the Wyckhuys one too. We wish you could have all seen the kids, but believe me we needed that night off!!!! The next big wedding is in June and we are bringing the whole clan! Can't wait to see everyone!

Well, I am off to pack and pray!! Love you all!


Dakotapam said...

Oh Robyn,
You make me tired! I think you are way more patient than I am! Happy moving...again...and welcome back to the blogoshpere!

Sarah said...

Good to see you back in the blogs! I have absolutely no envy for you in any way, shape or form. Glad to see you're taking it like a trooper, or at least pretending to! God's blessings to you all~

Adams Clan said...

Thanks Friends!!