Have you ever had one of these? Where everything seems to go wrong and nothing can go slightly right? I would have to put today into the category of a Job day. And I guess it started a few days ago. We moved back into the parsonage on Saturday. It started out great -- no rain, which was good because it had a 40% chance. The move went well too, but in the end we had did it backwards. Doug and I very tediously marked each and every Rubbermaid or box with the room it went it and then stacked them in the garage or near the front door. We also took apart all beds in order to make the move smoother. Well the Rubbermaid's went over first and then there was no room for the furniture. We had loads of great help and were done in mere hours, but we are still sleeping on mattress on the floor because the beds aren't up yet because we can't empty the buckets and boxes fast enough.
That first day we killed two dozen bees. Yes, bees. We have a nest in the attic and the walls. Since it was the weekend the bee guy didn't come until today, but that is for today's story. I bleached each bathroom on Saturday too, which is about all we had time for before we were off the Oktoberfest. We had a great time playing the games and singing. Pastor Johnson and a few friends played in the oompa band. The kids love it. We do the same songs every year. Their favorite is the one they sing in German and hold up signs for the new verse repeating each one before adding the new one. The kids scramble to be the ones to hold up the sign. It is more fun to be at the beginning than the end cause you get to do it more!! The other hit of the night, the one they wait all year for, is the Ziky zaggy (forgive the spelling I spelled it like it sounds) It is a German toasting song. Ziky, Zaggy, Ziky Zaggy Oi, Oi, Oi! Probst!!! They love to hold up their glasses of Root beer and toast along. The night ended earlier than usual, about 7:30 but that was ok by us, we were tired.
Sunday, we had church, thankfully I had set aside church clothes for everyone and no hunting was involved. Breakfast was leftover donuts from the move. No milk or cereal made it over from the rental. After church we had yet another fast food meal, can't remember what now. Then Doug was off to Salem in Sturgis for a Reformation service held at a church with 14 members. LONG DAY!!! Once home we made sure we had uniforms and homework for school, which we did, barely.
Monday, today, was CRAZY! Kids were up a little later than usual at 6:45 and we big folks didn't climb out of bed until the little ones did. Breakfast was cereal, which had made it's way here somehow on Sunday. We were running behind so we took our time and the kids got to school by 8:35, only 20 minutes late. They didn't have lunches though. No lunch food at the parsonage. I went home, moved some stuff around, planned the day then went to get lunchables for the kids at school. I shopped at Market house at 10:50am, debated whether to get McDonald's then or wait. I waited. At 11:20 I dropped off the missing lunches at WCA just as the Dial a Ride bus was picking up Daniel from Kindergarten. I beat the bus to the church by 2 minutes. I gathered Sarah and Daniel, went to McDonalds and came home. When we got there the bug guy was dropping bombs in the attic. We left, with Doug and spent the rest of the afternoon doing errands. Groceries, banking, mail, more stuff from the rental, phone calls and kid pick up were all done between 12:30 and 4:00pm. Once home we did homework, had Cavonies for dinner, not fast food, but not homemade either. Then bed for the kids and Internet for me.
A Job kinda day. Now God and I are gonna have a talk while a take an nice Long Bath!!!!
Thank you for reading Bargains to Bounty!
23 hours ago